Monday, August 24, 2009

Wonderful Group Lessons

I am so pleased with how well group lessons went! I was extremely excited at the end of last week after the great success we had a group lessons. Thank you to those who played and also to those who came and participated fully! It was so fun to meet many new students and I am excited to get to know you all better! 

We were very productive at Group Lessons and learned all about the new activities for the year. Your students should have come home with a number of papers and information and I hope that you will go through their binders to see all of the new updates. Please especially look over the calendar of events and mark the activities on your calendar now so that you are aware of the important dates for the year, especially the recital! 

As we enter this first week of private lessons, I look forward to seeing where everyone is at and establishing the foundation for a great year. Please send your students with any and all books that they might be using and we will go through them and decide which we will work from. 

Your kids are so wonderful!  I am very blessed to work with them and hope that they are as excited as I am!

Some of the older students wanted to know how to make the "rainbow cupcakes" that were the treat for this lesson.
First, make a white cake mix. 
Next, divide the cake mix equally between four bowls.

Add a different color of food coloring to each bowl.

Drop a spoonful of each color in to each cupcake tin. It takes about three layers to fill the cupcake paper. You don't have to do fourths like this picture, it turns out good however you drop the colors in. Just don't mix the colors, it will not turn out good.
Bake like a regular cupcake.

I am not sure the exact recipe for the frosting, because I didn't measure anything.
Basically add about a cup of powdered sugar to a package of cream cheese. Add some milk to thin. Mix in a bit of vanilla. 

These are great treats and a great activity for kids! They are a bit time consuming and can be messy, but are super fun! Kids love to help with them and there is really no way to mess them up. As you can see from the picture, they turn out pretty good no matter how you plop the different colors in!

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