Monday, October 5, 2009


I have had such wonderful experiences the last couple of weeks that I really just want to share them with you. Your kids are awesome!!!

One boy came to lessons so excited about a piece because he had come up with a whole story to match the song. He played so well because he had a great picture in his head of what the music meant. The music really came alive to him as he told me his story so animatedly!

Another girl came to lessons and when it was time to turn in points, she saw that her sister did not have as many points as she did and she let her sister use some of her points so that they could both get the same rewards.

When kids memorize a song, they usually look at the "memorization board" and see how they are doing compared to others, but rather than say something like "I can't believe how far ahead of me so and so is" they say something like "Wow! Look how good they are doing!"

A boy came to lessons so excited and animated because he had learned one of his favorite popular songs, complete with chord accompaniment, by ear in just one week. 

Many students have come with their Halloween music already learned, and some have come with it even memorized!

I love that the kids come and tell me how their weeks are going and everything they are involved in. We have students in dance, drama, football, soccer, choir, orchestra, student council, cross country, cheer, softball, volleyball, tennis, etc. Some students are writers, babysitters, artists, etc. Your kids are so very talented and I am grateful that I get to be a part of their lives. As you can tell from these stories, your kids are amazing! I am in awe at their kindness, dedication, and excitement! Thank you for helping them be so great!

1 comment:

Guthrie's said...

Thank YOU for helping our kids to be so great!