My piano studio was created in 2005 with only 3 students and continues today with over 30! I am located in Mesa, AZ and teach students from the East Valley. I first started teaching for a Young Woman's Personal Progress project and now I continue for a "part time" job which I love! Teaching piano lessons is a great blessing in my life. I have wonderful students, great parents who support and encourage their kids, and a great family that lets me teach out of our home every day! Lessons are 30 minutes once a week with many optional "extras" throughout the year.
If you are interested in lessons, you can contact me by email
If you don't have a metronome at home, this is a great tool! Just go to the sight below, select your tempo and make sure that the sound on your computer is on. It is totally free of charge!
I recently visited this site after the web master contacted me. It is extremely user friendly and includes fun trivia, instructions on how to use a metronome, and lots of tempo options. I think you will like it too!
If you are unable to purchase your own flash cards to use at home, this is a great site, free of charge. You can test your knowledge of intervals, note names, key signatures, etc.